"Krisna killing the horse demon keshi"
I like to reserch a nice brick and stone sclupture called "Krisna killed the horse demon keshi" is located in Metropolitan Musiem Of Modern Art in New York. It is beautiful and i can imagine it has a story about.
According of the Mertopolitan Museum of Modern Art's Helibrunn Timeline of Art History
(http.//metromuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/1991.300), this sculptur from India (Uttar Prodesh) remain us the Gupta period. It tells us a story about Hindu religion and the fight between Krisna (God of Hindu) and his devil uncle Keshi.This sculpture also shows that Krisna killed his uncle's horse. They had fight. This all about religion.
The fourth Book of the Vishnu Purana (between 1st century BCE to 4th century CE) also tells the story. However, Keshi first appears in the episode when Kans calls the host of his demons to kill all male children, once he realizes Krishna is born. Chapters 15 and 16 of the fourth Book presents a detailed account of Keshi's death which parallels the Bhagavata Purana account. The narrative of Arishta's death, Narada's disclosure to Kans and the subsequent ordering of Keshi is the same. The fight started on the earth and sky when Keshi coming to kill Krisna with his open mouth.The hand of Krishna choking Keshi at the same time, tearing his body into two halves.
The "Vishnu Purana and the Harivamsa" (1st - 2nd century BCE) tell that Keshi is the last agent sent by Kans to kill Krishna, after Keshi's killing, Krishna and Balarama go to Mathura, where Kans is killed. However, the Bhagavata Purana describes the killing of the demon Vyoma sent by Kans, before he leaves for Mathura.[6]
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